Resources for Wellness. Hands together. Blogs

Resources for Wellness

Take your time to explore these resources for wellness. Choose from the list of categories to your right, or simply scroll through to find what resonates for you. Reach out to let me know what you’d like more content about. 

7 Strategic Tips for Parents to Manage Family Anxiety

7 Strategic Tips for Parents to Manage Family Anxiety

  Managing stress and anxiety can be challenging, especially for families who have a lot on their plates. For many parents, those feelings are difficult to ignore even on the best of days, but unfortunately, they can spread to everyone in the home if they’re left...

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Daily Mindfulness Practices to Ease Stress and Anxiety

Daily Mindfulness Practices to Ease Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are increasingly common in today’s fast-paced world, especially when one focuses on professional and personal development. Many people struggle to manage their mental health despite constant challenges. Daily mindfulness practices can offer a path...

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How to Spot the Signs of Depression in Yourself and Others

How to Spot the Signs of Depression in Yourself and Others

Recognizing depression can be challenging, but it’s an important step toward making a positive change in your life or someone else’s. Depression affects how people think, feel, and act, often leading to difficulties in daily routines. If left unaddressed, it can...

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Tips for Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Tips for Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder

  Does the thought of the colder months approaching make you feel sad? It does us, but we are talking about a different kind of SAD—seasonal affective disorder. As the days get shorter, sunlight becomes limited, and millions of people each year struggle with this...

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Reach Your Dreams

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Reach Your Dreams

  Imposter syndrome can be a significant barrier to realizing your dreams, making even the most capable individuals feel inadequate. It’s a psychological pattern that can hold you back from reaching your true potential. By addressing these feelings directly and...

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How to Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns

How to Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns

  Negative thought patterns are repetitive, unhelpful thoughts that can significantly impact our mental health. Examples include self-doubt, constant worry, and a pessimistic outlook. In short, these patterns can lead to anxiety, depression, and a general sense...

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Understanding Panic Attacks: Coping and Prevention

Understanding Panic Attacks: Coping and Prevention

Understanding panic attacks is the first step toward effective management and prevention. These sudden surges of overwhelming anxiety and fear can seem daunting, but with the right knowledge, you can navigate and mitigate their impact. This article will guide you...

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Navigating Life Transitions Without Losing Your Bearings

Navigating Life Transitions Without Losing Your Bearings

Navigating Life Transitions Do you feel adequately equipped to handle a big change in your life and navigate life transitions without losing your bearings? Or are you worried that a sudden, unexpected event may throw you for a loop and you won’t be able to cope? In...

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Coping Strategies for Weathering Mental Health Challenges

Coping Strategies for Weathering Mental Health Challenges

We all experience times when our mental health feels strained or overwhelmed. These moments can arise from various sources, such as personal hardships, work stress, or broader life changes. Weathering mental health challenges requires a multifaceted approach,...

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You’re on the Verge of a Huge Life Change … But

You’re on the Verge of a Huge Life Change … But

You're on the verge of a huge life change. But you're not really sure where you're headed. You’re dedicated to serving others well as a healer, teacher, artist or coach, but your own needs have been ignored for too long. Something has to change! You’ve been spending...

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The R Words: Regrets, Readiness, & Results

The R Words: Regrets, Readiness, & Results

When I talk to people about why they are looking to design their lifestyle and invest in transformation, I often get this question: “Can you tell me about your results?” Don’t get me wrong…I love hearing my clients rave about their wins: How good it feels to stop...

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Decision time: Do you believe your life can fit you?

Decision time: Do you believe your life can fit you?

If you missed my last blog, click here to read it first so you’re up to date for what’s about to come at you.   No, it’s not a clothing catalog. But it is about what fits you.   Do you believe your life can fit you?   Most people learn to bury their...

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We are our own blindspot

We are our own blindspot

I live my life nomadically. Driving a custom-outfitted house bus isn’t for everyone, but it is my definition of a dream come true. Sometimes it’s hard to back into places, or know what’s coming up alongside me, but when I have a blindspot, I’ve found that when I pause...

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Take this job and shove it … and other dreams come true

Take this job and shove it … and other dreams come true

“Hey Boss, I quit.”   That’s how I started the email in my mind over and over again.    In the end, I didn’t storm out the door with papers flying behind me. I didn’t have to. I walked out with my head held high, smiling and hugging my co-workers goodbye,...

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What does it even mean to design our lives?

What does it even mean to design our lives?

Sometimes I get questions from people about what I do. The conversation goes a little like this: “Andrea, you live on a bus. You’re a licensed therapist. What do you really do? What is this “Lifestyle Design” thing I’ve seen on your website?”   And then I answer:...

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Sometimes We Need a Change

Sometimes We Need a Change

Sometimes, we all need a change. And, if we’re alike, sometimes there is a desire to make it big… I’ve changed careers numerous times. I’ve changed locations regularly. (Currently, I’m writing to you from my home on the road and I’m in the mountains of New Mexico)...

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5 Steps to a More Fulfilling Retirement

5 Steps to a More Fulfilling Retirement

You had big plans for your retirement. But lately, you feel stuck in unhealthy and unfulfilling routines that leave you feeling disappointed, discouraged, and held back.   This isn’t an uncommon experience after retirement. We spend our lives racing to keep up...

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7 Blocks to Living by Design

7 Blocks to Living by Design

After hundreds of conversations with people who are considering making big lifestyle changes so they can live their purpose while also living their dream, I’ve picked up on some common things that consistently get in their way.

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7 Self-Care Solutions on the Cheap

7 Self-Care Solutions on the Cheap

Life is hectic. Life is stressful. All of us are searching for that sweet relief, but not all of us have unlimited funds to throw at those trendy self-care tactics and products that cost a fortune. Alive Explorations is here with solutions. Read on to learn some...

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Health Must Include the Mental & Emotional

Health Must Include the Mental & Emotional

The Critical Role of Mental and Emotional Wellness in Your Health Journey Mental and emotional wellness form the foundation of our overall health. First, let's understand why these aspects of wellness matter so much in our daily lives. This video powerfully highlights...

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Unfolding After Spiritual Awakening

Unfolding After Spiritual Awakening

Navigating the Unexpected Path: Life After Spiritual Awakening Have you experienced a spiritual awakening that left you feeling both expanded and confused? First, know that you're not alone. In this candid video, we explore the rarely discussed challenges of...

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Anxiety Meditation Strategies

Anxiety Meditation Strategies

Finding Peace: How Meditation Strategies Transforms Anxiety In this thoughtful exploration of meditation and anxiety relief, we delve into the profound connection between mindfulness practice and emotional well-being. If you're one of the millions struggling with...

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Anxiety Meditation Strategies

Mindfulness Meditation Videos

Guided Mindfulness Meditations Today's fast-paced world demands moments of clarity and inner peace more than ever before. That's why we've carefully crafted these Guided Mindfulness Meditations to help you master two fundamental skills: presence and focused awareness....

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8 Steps to Transforming Emotions Mindfully

8 Steps to Transforming Emotions Mindfully

Mindfulness can be a fantastic tool for identifying, coping with, and even resolving difficult feelings and self-limiting behavioral patterns. This mindfulness technique can also help when we struggle with impulsivity and anxiety. If you struggle with anxiety, it is...

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Forgiveness: For Suckers or Saints?

Forgiveness: For Suckers or Saints?

This week, my work with people has presented a theme: Forgiveness. What is it? How do we do it? Why would we want to? And how do we forgive while staying safe? The first thing that comes to mind when I hear these questions is the famous Nelson Mandela quote:...

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How to Get More of What You Want in Your Relationship

How to Get More of What You Want in Your Relationship

Not getting your needs met in your relationships? We’ve all been there and it can be challenging to resist impulsive reactions to the pain it can cause. We might push hard to be understood by the other person, which can leave them feeling rejected, pressured, and...

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Stop Drop and Roll: Radical Acceptance Through Mindfulness

Stop Drop and Roll: Radical Acceptance Through Mindfulness

Embracing Change: The Stop, Drop, and Roll Method of Radical Acceptance The journey to personal transformation often begins with a single moment of possibility. Yet, many of us find ourselves stuck in familiar patterns, resistant to change even when we know it could...

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Life Surfing: Overcoming Chaos One Wave at a Time

Overcoming Chaos with Mindfulness “You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.” -Jon Kabat Zinn The waves in life are constant and we can always count on change. We may even get really good at surfing certain kinds and sizes of waves. And when we do, we may...

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Focus vs. Fixation: Returning to Openness

Focus vs. Fixation: Returning to Openness

There’s a difference between fixation and focus. When it comes to a Mindfulness practice, I think the difference is really important. To be mindful means holding a gentle focus on whatever is being felt or experienced in the present moment. This is a non-judgmental,...

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Your Life is Your Masterpiece

Your Life is Your Masterpiece

I was raised as an artist by an artist mother. We constantly made crafts around the house and even though it didn’t occur to me to consider myself talented, I tended to get accolades for my creations. After going to art school I stopped making visual art consistently...

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It’s not your energy level, time, or desire holding you back…

Opening to Change

The Journey of Personal Transformation: When It's Time to Blossom "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" –Anais Nin I've heard some debate about whether it was actually Nin who said this, but...

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4 Ways to Travel Mindfully

4 Ways to Travel Mindfully

Click here to access the article, 4 Ways to Travel Mindfully on Elephant Journal. 4 Ways to Travel Mindfully addresses a variety of ways to enhance your travel experiences while strengthening your Mindfulness practice. Breaking free from daily routines through travel...

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Bursting at the Seams: Thoughts on Personal Growth

Bursting at the Seams: Thoughts on Personal Growth

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” ~ Anaïs Nin (debatable) Being human seems to inevitably involve outgrowing our own metaphorical skin…over and over and over again, like snakes. At least that’s...

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How to Break Free from Negative Thought Patterns

The Obvious thing about Feelings

Click here to access the article on Elephant Journal, titled The Obvious Thing About Feelings Stop Running, Start Feeling: A Simple Truth That Changes Lives One therapist's statement stops her addiction rehab patients in their tracks: "Feelings are meant to be felt."...

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