Lifestyle Design Coaching

Watch the FREE Masterclass about redesigning your life!

You’ll learn the 5 Tips That Helped Me Design & Create a Fulfilling (& Unusual) Lifestyle

…AND travel full-time WITHOUT hurting my career … even though others told me it was impossible to do both.

Andrea Shipley - Lifestyle Design

You love to see what other people are designing in their lifestyles…

… all the interesting and unique ways they’re putting their authentic style into the world. They’re taking action to make things better for others or for the Earth.

They don’t live life passively, they design life!

Some days you even get inspired to change your own life in a big, purposeful way.

You daydream about what you could do. In fact, you get so fired up that you start to think:

“Maybe I should quit my job (or relationship, or unhealthy diet) and really do this!”

Then, you wake up Monday morning and go to work, forgetting about the invigorating idea you had as you “get back to real life.”

The dream keeps getting put on the back burner…

… and life as usual is getting less and less tolerable.

You’re getting by okay and doing all the appropriate “adulting” that you always thought you should do. It’s just that you want to have a more positive impact and create that dream life that keeps nagging at the back of your mind.

Fear can be a big hurdle to getting started, and it can put a halt on whatever start you have made so far.

Lifestyle Design Coaching will help you manage the fears and doubts that keep you stuck. It’ll also help you clarify and execute strategic, authentic steps so you can make progress toward your dream life.

Think of all you could accomplish with the right support

Instead of spending countless hours researching how to live a life that excites you and how to get your passion project off the ground …

… imagine having a conversation with an experienced lifestyle design coach who can point you toward your next steps in a personalized way.

Generic information won’t take you where you want to go, and there’s a lot of it to sift through when we’re learning new things.

Trust me, I’ve sifted!

When you talk to a lifestyle design coach, the specifics of your life are taken into account and honored so you learn why you’re stuck and how to manage obstacles gracefully. You’ll also clarify where you want to go, why it’s important to you, and how to actually move intentionally toward your designed life.

This kind of support is priceless!

Sign Up Now for the 10-week Lifestyle Design Coaching Program.

You’ll never get where you want to be if you don’t take steps to get there. Even if what you want is to feel more satisfied exactly where you are, mindfulness-based lifestyle design coaching can help.

You’ll always be able to find reasons not to take action to design life and fulfill your dreams. The timing is right when you decide it is. When the decision is made, the way can show up.

What is the big reason you have to design your life now?

People regret the things they didn’t do more than the things they did. If you’re afraid you’ll regret letting this goal pass you by, click here now to get support creating your dream lifestyle.

Designing your life and career in ways that nurture your soul is well worth the effort!

Want to know if Lifestyle Design is for you?

  • If you’re ready to re-design your life to feel happier and live your service-based purpose
  • If you’ve done what you can on your own and you’re ready for expert support, guidance, and a curriculum
  • If you know you need a change but you’re not exactly sure where to go or how to get there

… then click the button “Paths to Your Success” and check out “Lifestyle Design” my 10-week intensive coaching program.

AND, if you’re an employer, business owner, or manager looking for a great employee benefit program to offer your team, consider empowering them with Lifestyle Design for Employees here! 

This is perfect for teams that are helpers or healers in remote positions.

Please note, Lifestyle Design is a Life Coaching program for people located anywhere. This is not therapy and is not intended to diagnose or treat any mental health issues. If you’re looking for a therapist and you’re located in Virginia, click here.