Navigating Life Transitions Without Losing Your Bearings

Navigating Life Transitions Without Losing Your Bearings

Navigating Life Transitions Do you feel adequately equipped to handle a big change in your life and navigate life transitions without losing your bearings? Or are you worried that a sudden, unexpected event may throw you for a loop and you won’t be able to cope? In...
You’re on the Verge of a Huge Life Change … But

You’re on the Verge of a Huge Life Change … But

You’re on the verge of a huge life change. But you’re not really sure where you’re headed. You’re dedicated to serving others well as a healer, teacher, artist or coach, but your own needs have been ignored for too long. Something has to change!...
The R Words: Regrets, Readiness, & Results

The R Words: Regrets, Readiness, & Results

When I talk to people about why they are looking to design their lifestyle and invest in transformation, I often get this question: “Can you tell me about your results?” Don’t get me wrong…I love hearing my clients rave about their wins: How good it feels to stop...